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Things just getting good.

October 7, 2009

It has been a long and exciting day, and I am sitting here rubbing my fingers over the spot that my new ring turned green and contemplating watching reruns of Grey’s Anatomy on Lifetime. I don’t even particularly care for half that cast, but it’s good writing. You know, if you are into that stuff, which I am.

This we week we finally had people attend our writer’s meeting. We finally had so many articles submitted, that one needs to get published next week, even if only 142 copies could be printed (vs our goal of 1,000). I also upset The Queen this week because I misspelled LaQueefa. Really, it’s such a strange word, and In Design has no spell check. With all the last minute work I put in alone (since keira had to do schoolwork), it was a complete oversight. I know I am better than that.

I also put a great deal in this week at remaking our website, which is almost there. I just hate waiting on CTS to do coding that I could do in 5 minutes of my free time.

I’m trying to think of ways to make this blog more interesting— really see into my life. Perhaps photos, but this is a writing blog, about writing.

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